Tutor Aces works with students of all ages and abilities. We focus on each student's unique strengths and weaknesses, meet them where they are educationally and emotionally, and create a specialized program for every student. Tutor Aces specializes in teaching students with dyslexia and learning differences. We also offer study skills and test taking strategies.
Writing Tutoring
Tutor Aces helps students of all abilities improve their writing skills through spelling, grammar, organization, punctuation, and all other aspects of writing.
Reading Tutoring
FREE READING ASSESSMENT: Tutor Aces has a Certified Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner on staff with over 20 years of teaching experience and we are happy to offer a complimentary reading and spelling assessment. For more information on Wilson please click the link https://www.wilsonlanguage.com/
TESTIMONIALS For Tutor Aces Owner Matthew Kustafik
My daughter has been working with Matthew for a few months now and I can already see progress! She looks forward to her sessions with Matthew because he really knows how to teach with incorporating fun into each lesson... highly recommended!
-Amy Cipolla
Matthew has been working with my son Cole for approximately 2 years. Cole has made great progress with the Wilson tutoring strategies that Matthew has been providing. Matthew is very accommodating, understanding, patient, kind, and caring towards Cole. We feel very fortunate to have Matthew as Cole’s tutor and feel confident that Matthew will help to improve Cole’s development with reading.
-Trisha Visalli Wilkocz
We are the parents of Gretchen, a young adult with special needs. A major focus in our lives is to help Gretchen move forward and have a great quality of life. We contacted Matt Kustafik after being referred to Matt by a friend. Matt has been instrumental in improving Gretchen’s ability to pronounce multi-syllable words, to comprehend those words while reading, and to improve her fluency in reading and in articulation of words. The program Matt uses has been very effective. We also believe Matt’s gentle, patient, and overall supportive bearing during the tutoring sessions has also played a major part in Gretchen’s improvement in reading skills. As Gretchen’s ability to read and comprehend has grown, so, too, has her self-esteem and confidence. Gretchen has recently been hired by an agency in which she reads from a power point and presents information to audiences about self-advocacy throughout the state! Matt is also trustworthy, punctual, and flexible. Highly recommend!
-Judy Laudenslager
When you're in need of a dependable tutor, don’t hesitate. Contact Tutor Aces today!
Doylestown, Pennsylvania: United States